In an interesting feature on the Syd Barrett website, ‘produced and authorised by the Barrett family to remember Syd’, people write short reflections on individual songs by the great man. I was delighted to be asked by the family to choose a song, then write my own piece about it and what it means to me. The result can be found here:

It’s worth looking up, if only for the family photo of a very young Syd (still then known as Roger) with his father, Max. Syd’s niece Ginny wrote to me, “I love the photo of Max and Rog; Rog’s hand on Max’s arm seems to be in a firm grip”. It does indeed.

And since in the piece I also mention my own dad, here’s an early photo of me with a similarly firm grip on him, on what looks like a typically damp summer’s day in South Wales, with the very young me appearing to be channeling Norman Wisdom.